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I got friends who... (la la la) help me pull through....

I believe everything happens for a reason. I also believe that people are brought into your life for a reason- to help you grow in one way or another. Whenever I reflect on my life what I remember most about times in my life are the people I met and bonded with... I've been blessed with a happy disposition and the ability to make friends pretty easy and because of that I have an awesome bouquet of friends who live ALL over the country (and world...) now and they all have taught me something.... It's like each period of my life (usually broken down into where I live) has that friend that has impacted my life so much...

California (round 1)- Danica... we were the coolest set of best friends Atherwood has ever seen!
New Jersey- Michele and Nina... my life in New Jersey didn't seem like it was in order and happy until these 2 girls were my besties! It's when I finally came to love New Jersey

Utah freshman yr- Bethie... randomly became roomies... we both thought the other was weird, but then because the best of friends... most of the funniest things I did freshman year were with Bethie

Utah summer of 07 "yellow and gray brick"- BriBri and Erica... all I have to say is kicking the can!

Florida- Erica and I became the best of friends and I met people from all over the world. I loved it- I loved having friends in Norway, France, England etc. They made the time in Florida so memorable. Not to mention it was the first time I fell in love... it was a great experience and although most those people aren't in my life anymore I treasure it.
Utah- rest of college- Megs. She's so great and I love her! She was ALWAYS there for me... the original 3 best friends :)

Washington D.C.- I think what's most remarkable about this time is that I didn't have any friends really. I learned how to be friends with myself. I learned to be independent and comfortable. It was a period of growth and I made 2 new friends... myself and my Savior. Being friendless helped me draw closer to my religion and really start to build a relationship with my faith. Even though I was friendless (which is incredibly hard for an extrovert) i wouldn't trade this time for anything... and I'm glad I had the chance to experience this. 

EFY 2005 -  yeah I need to break this out by year... this year... it's allll about Shallie... I'm so glad we stayed friends and that our lives mirrored each others for so long! It was so amazing to have someone who I knew understood how I felt and would not only make me feel better but sympathize with me as well.
EFY 2006- Kay!! Oh my gosh I love this girl! She makes me laugh and was my only friend for most of my BYU-I experience this summer... we're still BFF and it's because EFY brought us together.

EFY 2008- Kurtis (with a K). He was my rock... I was in such a bad place emotionally and he never let me wallow. I don't know if he did it on purpose, but whenever I lost my focus and started to think about my very fresh heartbreak he would pull me out of it with a joke or a story or a smile. He was the perfect co-counselor for me during this summer.

EFY 2009- Brittany Michelle Francis... she's the reason I started working on this blog post. We became instant friends... I love her and she's amazing. She has such a strength and is such a role model to me. I'm so glad that 2 weeks together will lead to a lifelong friendship!

California (round 2) I have so many friends in CA, people who I truely LOVE, but I have to say that my original 2 female friends made it so that I didn't run away to Utah, or anywhere else for that matter! Ali and Amanda were ALWAYS there for me and so much fun! The most unlikely of friendships, but still total love. Oh and I feel like I need to say I'm really happy I stayed here... because I have a new best friend....

 I love where life has taken me... and the people I've met.... I wouldn't ask for anything to change... I can't wait to find out where life will take me and what forever friend I'll meet next. 


J Hayley B said…
A little offended that a pic of Hayley and Michelle didn't make the list...but I forgive you! See you in 2 months!
Megs said…
What a cute post! Thanks for sharing, Michelle! Loved it :)
The de la Houssaye's said…
So I just found your blog and happend to see this one first! It made me tear up a little have to be honest! I am so glad I found your blog!!! And we are due to talk again on the phone!
britt said…
Man oh man, isn't this just the reason for living! I heart friends. Thanks for posting. I'm super flattered I get to be included in your list of friends, blog or no blog. Its no wonder you have so many of them. Michelle you are a great friend. You are sincere, hilarious, wise, and oh so much fun! The list goes on, but I wouldn't want any of this to go to your head so I'll stop here.

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