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A Hundred Things I Hate

My friend Scotty started a group with the idea that "You may think it is impossible to hate so many things. But most people can put together a list of 100 things they hate in under an hour."

I've decided to take the challenge and come up with 100 things I hate.

1. People going slow in the far left lane.
2. Commericals
3. When people make sick smelling food in my office.
4. When there is no toilet paper left.
6. People who don't break till the last minute
7. People who start breaking way too early
8. When people break for no good reason
9. Random stuff in driving lanes
10. When there is nothing to wear
11. Bills
12. Having to enter my time each week
13. Most of Utah
14. People in California who don't know how to drive in any sort of weather
15. Throwing up
16. Once a week every month
17. People who recline their chair on airplanes and then don't sleep
18. Facebook ads
19. Stupid Facebook groups
20. Dirty kitchens
21. Boys who text on dates
22. Boys who say "Let's still be friends"
23. People who think it's fun to push on your bruises
24. Needing oil changes
25. Any car maintenance
26. When your on a double date and the two guys break into a different language
27. Being cold
28. Cold feet
29. Smug married folk
30. People thinking I'm pathetic because I'm single
31. Cat scratches
32. Movies and TV with totally unrealistic love stories
33. Boys that are interested in me when I'm not interested in them
34. Right handed desks
35. Spiral notebooks
36. Dealing with my call center
37. Yelling at people
38. "Buckaroo"
39. Boys who don't get when you're not interested
40. When people touch my radio
41. "Stylish" people who just look silly
42. Crowded malls
43. Crowds in general
44. Sunburns
45. Old people trying to seem hip
46. Old ladies that have plastic surgery
47. That heels look super cute but hurt my feet
48. When the water doesn't get warm quick enough
49. The street I live on
50. How much my rent is
51. How small my apartment is
52. Stupid dirty jokes
53. KTLA news
54. Emo kids
55. People from upper middle class places that think they're poor
56. Spoiled rich kids
57. People with a sense of entitlement that is undeserved
58. Mushrooms
59. Stuffing
60. People who try to have cyber sex
61. People with too healthy self-esteems
62. X-box
63. Boys who would rather play video games than socialize with girls
64. Man-dates
65. People who are always on their phones
66. Avril Lavigne music
67. Creepy bus people
68. Motorcycles... not because of the bike but because they get to drive through traffic
69. Traffic
70. When i step on my surge protector
71. Itchy fabric
72. Not being able to sleep when I need to
73. Not getting enough sleep
74. Having to wake up to an alarm
75. "look at my family... aren't we perfect" blogs
76. How expensive hair products are
77. That I'm allergic to Jasmine
78. Shredded wheat without the frosting
79. How crappy Facebook chat is
80. That SNL isn't funny anymore
81. Never feeling full
82. The lack of food in my house
83. Fires
84. Smoke from fires
85. Having to shower daily
86. That you can't put songs from iTunes onto other MP3 players
87. Ulcers
88. Girls with potty mouths
89. Sneezing
90. People coughing up stuff
91. Most plastic dishes
92. Losing my bobby pins
93. When my hair-ties break
94. When I spill my Bare Essential makeup on myself
95. When sweatshirts wear out
96. When showers get cold
97. Having to shave frequently
98. TMJ
99. Having nothing to do all day
100. How broken down my apartment is

Well it took over an hour but here it is!


charles said…
I read your list. I can agree with a lot of those. So instead of just saying, YEAH, or Right, I have decide to compile a list also and put it here for you to read.

1. Caring so much and not being cared for
2. Being lied to
3. Being made fun of behind my back. Just do it to my face you bag full of pricks!
4. paying for music
5. spending money
6. driving behind slow people
7. stop signs
8. people who do not let you merge off of the on-ramp
9. people who merge directly into you from the on-ramp
10. my inability to stay dedicated to one task at a time
11. facebook
12. myspace
13. all social networks
14. a dirty house
15. being spoken to by the "motivational friend" whenever you mess up
16. getting pulled over for speeding
17. not going home for christmas
18. california girls
19. stuck up people
20. being such a music elitest
21. not having my friends from home here
22. the military
23. racist
24. prejudice
25. that i have to change clothes every day
26. that if i don't watch how much deodorant i use, i will get a rash
27. running out of toilet paper
28. hair on my chest, not that i am some sort of bohemeth, but that there is hair there
29. being out of school for so long
30. becoming dumber by the day because of the crowd of idiots i work with
31. sucking at ping pong
32. not having cable
33. that my character has and is still becoming weak since some life changes have happened
34. not having sweet tea at my beckoning and call
35. that my 30gb ipod is full
36. that i want a new ipod, 120gb, and don't have the fundage
37. having crushes on girls that i know are too good for me
38. thinking some woman is too good for me
39. not having my guitars here
40. having to get oil changes and brake checks often
41. robert howard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
42. that my new friends move away once i start to get "close" to them
43. that my old friends from my old band don't bother to call or talk to me
44. slowly developing a form of ocd
45. being bipolar and untreated
46. not seeing a massage therapist
47. that my back hurts/aches
48. that Red Sox did not win the World Series
49. the Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
50. Ohio State Buckeyes
51. USC Trojans
52. Tennessee Vols
53. Duke Blue Devils
54. UCONN Huskies
55. Kansas Jayhawks
56. that i don't have a sexy butt
57. swass-think about it.
58. styrofoam
59. new metal
60. that crate & barrel is so $@%& expensive
61. speed limits
62. my desk
63. that no one comes over
64. being bored
65. commercials on the radio
66. anything else on the radio except music
67. mtv
68. that the word, ass, showed up in my wordsearch puzzle i made to hang on my wall. when i didn't put it there
69. black comedians who make white people and racism the focus of their standup
70. that they don't just perch and shoot whatever tries to cross the border
71. that there is no where i know of to hunt
72. being considerate of others feeling
73. having to be politically correct
74. people who talk on the cell phone while driving
75. living so far from LA
76. not going to beach when I live five miles from it
77. the smell of rotten barley and oats
78. that i can't just stop writing this now
79. that i have actually commited to listing one hundred things i hate
80. when the last hour of work decides to take nearly two weeks to finish
81. that my mouse rolling ball gets stuck sometime
82. not being able to dunk
83. all other brands of shoes other than Saucony
84. when my pen runs out of ink mid word
85. the constant gan and loss of weight
86. walking so fast all the time
87. crumbs
88. little dogs that don't shut up
89. cats that shed
90. dust
91. the words, "like," and "uhm"
92. being so scatter brain
93. having so many ambitions and being so distracted to really focus to complete one before starting another
94. this list
95. static electricity
96. that i have to speak in the third person on facebook
97. the number 3.14.......
98. sweating
99. chlorine
100. dry skin

So, I think maybe I didn't follow too much of the "guide lines" and I made it mostly about me.

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